International bank account details for tax refunds

As per January 1st 2014 the rules with regard to International bank account numbers for tax refunds have been changed and have become more strict. In case you only have a foreign bank account, than there is a new procedure to be followed in order to receive the tax refund on this foreign bank account number. In order to correctly inform the tax authorities, they demand a letter containing the following in depth details (only required in case you live abroad and have a foreign bank account):

uw naam (your full name)
uw adres, postcode en woonplaats, land (your address, postal code, city, country)
uw burgerservicenummer/sofinummer (your Dutch BSN)
uw handtekening (your signature on the letter)
een kopie van een geldig identiteitsbewijs (paspoort of identiteitskaart) (copy of valid ID being your passport)
een bankafschrift of print uit uw internetbankieromgeving of de bevestiging van de bank van uw aanvraag voor dit rekeningnummer (maximaal 2 maanden oud) (a bank receipt/overview or print out from internet banking of the relevant bank account)
uw nieuwe IBAN (rekeningnummer) (your new IBAN account)
BIC-code (BIC code)
Heeft uw bank geen IBAN en BIC? Geef dan het volledige buitenlandse bankrekeningnummer (inclusief bankcodes). (if your bank does not have a IBAN or BIC code, please than supply the full account number including all bank codes)
naam, plaats en land van de bank (name, address and country of the Bank)

The address:
Belastingdienst/Centrale administratie
Unit 13 Uitbetalen en registreren 2
Postbus 9055
7300 GT Apeldoorn
The Netherlands

Please note that there are many problems with these bank account changes, in some cases it can take more than six months before the account number has been processed by the tax authorities.